From Bogota Colombia to Great Barrington PD
Great Barrington police officer Andres Huertas came to The Berkshires from Bogota, Columbia with his parents and younger brother when he was 10. He didn't speak any English, but according to the Berkshire Eagle, a schoolmate's drawing of a soccer ball, the help of an English as a Second Language tutor, and his own perseverance led him to a solid grasp of his new language.
The 28 year old Huertas used his new language skills to aid communication within his family and the growing Latino community in the Berkshires. His desire to build those bridges helped lead him to become a police officer, where he hopes to be seen as a role model for kids.
And that soccer ball intro? It's not a coincidence that Huertas was a standout at Monument Mountain and went on to coach the school's JV soccer team. Just another shining example of Officer Huertas' commitment to the community and its youth.
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