GB Selectboard’s Meeting Agenda for Tonight
The Next Great Barrington Selectboard Meeting will be taking place this evening (August 13) at Town Hall, 334 Main Street beginning at 7:00 P.M.
The items on the agenda include the following (in this order):
7:00 P.M. Open Meeting
(1) Call To Order
(2) Approval of Minutes (June 11, 2018 Selectboard and Finance Committee Meeting)
(3) Selectboard's Announcement/Statements: (General Comments by the Board)
(4) Town Manager's Report (including department updates and Economic Development Committee)
(5) Licenses and Permits (including Fairview Hospital seeking permission to hold their annual Monster Dash 5K on October 27, the Josh Billings Runaground Triathlon to use town roads for the 42nd triathlon on September 16, 2018 and a one day beer and wine liquor license for the first Saturday of every month from September 2018 thru May 2019 as proposed by Patrick Hollenbeack. All of these items will include a discussion and vote)
(6) New Business (including the Selectboard appointment of officers and the Ramsdall Library Report Presentation)
(7) Old Business (which includes the following)
A: The Selectboard reviewing their policies and procedures which will include a discussion and vote,
B. The Selectoard's review and acceptance of the Complete Streets plan which will include a discussion and vote,
C. The continuation of the Selectboard's Assignments which will include a discussion and vote.
D. Design Advisory Committee Update
E. Lake Mansfield Update
F. Housatonic Water Works Information
(8) Citizen Speak Time
(9) Selectboard Time
(10) Media Time
(11) Adjournment
(12) Convene Into Executive Session and Not to Return to Open Session
You can get complete details of tonight's Great Barrington Selectboard Meeting by going here
(Above Information sent to WSBS from Amy Pulver, Administrative Assistant Selectboard /Town Manager’s Office for online and on-air use)
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