Get Involved in Town Government
From the Town of Great Barrington
The Town of Great Barrington is accepting letters of interest from residents/registered voters to fill a number of town committee vacancies. The committees, the number of openings and term duration are:
*Cultural Council, (13), until 2021
*Historic District Commission Alternate, (1), until 2020
*Fence Viewers, (1), until 2021
*Parks Commissioners, (2), until 2020
*Conservation Commission, (1), until 2019
*Design Advisory Committee, (Citizen at Large), (1), until 2023
Letters of interest must be submitted to Selectboard, Town of Great Barrington, Town Hall, 334 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA 01230, or emailed to Helen Kuziemko at hkuziemko@townofgb.org.
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