Good News for Minority and Lower-Income Residents of GB
Great Barrington and Multicultural BRIDGE are teaming up with a program to broaden climate action outreach and engagement with minority and lower-income area residents.
As a reported in a media release, the town received a $70,400 state grant for the program; a total of $11.1 million was awarded to municipalities across the state for sustainability programs.
The town’s Sustainability and Livability Committee and Multicultural BRIDGE will partner with outreach training for town employees and for engagement with communities typically underrepresented in climate change mitigation efforts. The town's goal is to bring more diverse representation to local climate initiatives, said Christopher Rembold, assistant town manager and director of planning and community development.
“Climate change is a poverty multiplier affecting our more vulnerable neighbors more so than those of higher income and privilege,” said Natalie Narotzky, chair of the town’s Sustainability and Livability Committee. “These neighbors are often underrepresented in climate conversations and mitigation planning."
"I am eager to work with the town toward inclusion and equity in climate issues," said Gwendolyn VanSant, executive director of Multicultural BRIDGE.
This funding was granted through the state’s Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program (MVP). With this state grant, 89% of Massachusetts cities and towns, or 312 municipalities, are now enrolled in the MVP program.
About Multicultural BRIDGE
Founded in 2007, BRIDGE (dba Multicultural BRIDGE) is a grassroots organization dedicated to advancing equity and justice by promoting cultural competence, positive psychology, and mutual understanding and acceptance. The organization acts as a catalyst for change through collaboration, education, training, dialogue, fellowship and advocacy. The group a minority and women run non-profit certified by the Office of Supplier Diversity of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (SDP) Their certified competencies are training, education, language access, and multicultural awareness.
Learn more about BRIDGE by going here.
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