LISTEN: ‘It’s Not That Simple’ July 5 (AUDIO)
This past Friday, WSBS aired the third episode of 'It's Not That Simple' with co-hosts Ed Abrahams (Great Barrington Select Board member) and Pedro Pachano (Great Barrington Planning Board member). Although both men serve on elected town boards, they are not speaking for those boards or for the town in any capacity. They are only representing themselves on the radio. The program airs every other Friday morning at 9:05 on WSBS. The talk show covers town issues that one may think may be corrected by a common sense solution but isn't always the case for a variety of reasons.
On the latest edition of the program, Ed and Pedro along with the Developer of the Flying Church in downtown Great Barrington, Paul Joffe discussed an issue that is right at the top of the “It’s Not That Simple” list: Obstacles to development, specifically, Special Permits. Why does the town make it so hard on developers? Why isn’t GB’s permitting process more business friendly?
Click here to read the latest article in The Berkshire Edge.
You can listen to the program below (the audio has been divided into two segments).
Article Image: Ed Abrams (left), Pedro Pachano (center) and Paul Joffe (right) in the WSBS air studio.
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