It’s Illegal in Massachusetts to Drive with This on Your Car in the Winter
One thing that Massachusetts folks are accustomed to is long, snowy winters. It may be November but winter is not too far off in the distance. Have you seen the Old Farmer's Alamanac for winter in the northeast this year? If you haven't check it out by going here. As I mentioned, Massachusetts and snow go hand and hand. One thing that is not only an annoyance but also dangerous is driving in a snow/ice-covered vehicle after a big New England snowstorm. You know what I mean. Some people clear ice and snow off their cars just enough to see out the windshield while neglecting to clean the rest of the car off.
I'm sure you have dealt with these motorists in the past. I know there are times that I have had to swerve out of the way so my windshield wouldn't be smashed with a sheet of ice. Unfortunately, this driver (see video below) wasn't able to get out of the way and as a result, the motorist was treated to a smashed windshield.
So, is it Illegal in Massachusetts to Drive in a Snow/Ice Covered Vehicle?
In addition to being dangerous, neglecting to clear snow and ice from your car before hitting the road is illegal in Massachusetts and can cost you. Here's the 4-1-1 as published by
In Massachusetts, police can use a couple of statutes to enforce snow-clearing. ...officers can issue a $40 fine for impeded operation if a driver has obstructed windows and a $200 fine for driving with an unsecured load, which can include heavy sheets of snow or ice on a car's roof.
The easy and logical solution is to take a couple of extra minutes before work or wherever you are going and do a good job of removing the snow and ice from your vehicle. You'll save lives and avoid fines.