Outdoor Dining in Great Barrington Gets a Facelift This Year
On a recent edition of the WSBS 'Let's Talk' program, Jesse Stewart spoke with Great Barrington Town Manager, Mark Pruhenski as well as Assistant Town Manager, Chris Rembold. We covered a variety of topics regarding local happenings, local government, entertainment and more related to the town.
One of the items we discussed was the fact that outdoor dining will once again take place on Railroad Street during the spring/summer months. Like last year, the town is going to narrow Railroad Street which means eliminating the parking on Fridays and Saturdays and turn it into a dining area.
Chris Rembold made the following statement to the WSBS listeners:
The town has some funds leftover from last year. The funds will be used to purchase planters, furniture and equipment to make the scene look a little bit nicer. I think last year it was hastily put together as we all pivoted in the COVID-19 era and Railroad Street kind of looked like a construction zone...sometimes. This year we'll have some much nicer planters and street furniture for folks, maybe some lights strung between the new light poles and make it feel like the living room or the dining room for Great Barrington. We're really excited to be able to do that.
Mark and Chris will be announcing a start date for outdoor dining on Railroad Street soon but they did mention that town residents along with area merchants are looking forward to the outdoor dining days once again. Some area merchants did voice their concern recently about closing the street. According to the Berkshire Edge, the town is looking to find ways to make the experience safer and less disruptive for those who own non-dining businesses on Railroad Street.
In addition, Mark and Chris mentioned that there will be live music once again but this time around the mini concerts will expand to a variety of locations throughout downtown which will keep the area vibrant. This is a huge win for local musicians as well as folks who love live music. Stay tuned and keep checking back for more details on the expanded live music locations in downtown Great Barrington.