Public Hearing on Mar. 12 Takes Up Zoning Amendments
From the Town of Great Barrington
The Great Barrington Planning Board will hold a public hearing, pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts General Law Ch. 40A, s. 5, on Thursday, March 12, 2020 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 334 Main St., Great Barrington, to provide interested parties with an opportunity to comment on proposed changes to the Zoning Bylaw and the Zoning Map.
Proposals include:
- Amendments of references to the special permit granting authority
- Amending the allowable uses in the Downtown B district
- Amending the setback and height regulations for accessory buildings; Amending the -Table of Use Regulations to add accessory dwelling units (ADUs);
- Amending the ADU regulations in Section 8.2;
- Amending the definitions to allow a tiny home to qualify as an ADU;
Amending the maximum lot coverage in the Schedule of Dimensional Requirements; - Amending the design review procedures and creating a new section for design review;
- Amending the Planning Unit Residential Development (PURD) regulations;
- Amending the regulations for swimming pools;
- Changing the residential use permissions and the special permit granting authority for residential uses;
- Amending the Water Quality Protection Overlay District to clarify the process for altering nonconforming uses;
- Creating a new section for the conversion of nursing homes to multifamily uses;
- Amending Section 7.18 to regulate the number, location, and physical requirements of marijuana establishments, and amending the Table of Use Regulations to allow marijuana establishments by Special Permit in I-2 zones;
- Amending Section 8.4 to regulate the residential density and the required nonresidential space in mixed use developments; and,
- Amending the Zoning Map and Section 9.11 to rezone portions of the MXD district to an R-3 district
A copy of the proposed amendments may be reviewed in the Town Clerk’s office at Town Hall during regular business hours, or on the town website.
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