Team Hinds Staff Office Hours in Chesterfield and GB This Month
State Senator Adam G. Hinds (D- Pittsfield) announces that his district aides are scheduled to visit Chesterfield on Jan. 15 and Great Barrington on Jan. 22 for their monthly staff office hours.
All residents of his Berkshire, Hampshire, Franklin & Hampden Senate District are invited to participate in these sessions if they have an idea, question or comment about state government they wish to share, or if they require assistance from the Senator's constituent services team. Everyone is welcome!
Since early in 2017 Senator Hinds has directed his district team, A.J. Enchill and Jon Gould, to hold roving office hours outside of their primary work locations once a month, in an effort to increase office accessibility for every constituent, no matter where they reside. Enchill is based in the Senator’s Pittsfield office, Gould splits his time between Pittsfield and Williamsburg.
Last year the Senator’s district staff traveled to 20 towns and met with hundreds of local officials and residents in Adams, Alford, Blandford, Charlemont, Chester, Cummington, Heath, Lanesborough, Lee, Lenox, Middlefield, Monroe, New Marlborough, Peru, Plainfield, Rowe, Washington, Windsor, Westhampton, and West Stockbridge while Senator Hinds has participated in public forums throughout the Senate District.
This month the Senator’s staff will be available to meet with constituents and local officials from 11:00am until 1:00pm on Wednesday, Jan. 15 in Chesterfield and Wednesday, Jan. 22 in Great Barrington at the following locations:
-Chesterfield Town Offices in the Meeting Room, located at 422 Main Road; and
-Great Barrington Town Hall, located at 334 Main St. #1.
Appointments are not necessary but can be booked in advance by calling the Pittsfield office at (413) 344-4561 or the Williamsburg office at (413) 768-2373. These office hours provide an opportunity for those seeking assistance with state agencies or programs to speak with Hinds’ constituency services staff in person.
(Article image taken from Senator Hinds' Facebook Page)
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