View The Annual Town Meeting Warrant
Great Barrington's Annual Town Meeting is coming up on Monday, May 6 and it will be held at Monument Mountain Regional High School beginning at 6:00 p.m. All registered voters are invited and encouraged to attend. At the meeting, the town is looking for voters to approve Great Barrington's FY2020 budget and to consider non-financial matters, zoning changes, and citizen petition articles.
There are 28 warrant articles. If you are looking for some weekend reading or if you just want to be prepared and ahead of the game before attending on May 6, you can view those articles by going here. In addition to the 28 warrant articles, you'll be able to view the ballot question and a detailed chart or breakdown of the Proposed Operating Budget of Fiscal Year 2020.
So make sure you mark May 6, 6:00 p.m. on your calendar as this is a chance for your voice to be heard.