Annual Town Meeting Discussion at Tonight’s Meeting and More
The next Town of Sheffield Board of Selectmen meeting will be taking place this Monday, July. 6 at 7:00 P.M. This is a virtual meeting; to participate: Dial In: 605-313-5968; access code: 697308#
The following agenda items are for review and possible action
(1) Approval of Meeting Minutes
(2) Review and Action Regarding Executive Session Minutes
(3) Update on the Regional School District Planning Board
(4) Discussion Regarding Annual Town Meeting
(5) Discussion/Possible Action Regarding Engine Brakes in Center of Town
(6) Mass. Dept. of Transportation (DOT) Shared Streets and Spaces Funding Program
(7) Discussion/Approval of Letter to MassDOT Regarding Sidewalk Repair
(8) Receive Designer Selection Committee Recommendations and Appoint a Designer for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
(9) Appointment of the CDBG Designer Review Committee
(10) Request for Volunteers to Serve on the CItizen's Advisory Committee for the CDBG
(11) Resignation - Ashley Falls Historic District Commission
(12) Appointments for FY21
(13) Appointment Announcements
(14) Discussion/Action Regarding Pollinator Friendly Resolution
(15) Review/Possible Approval of Letter Regarding Mandatory Quarantine Policy
(16) Transfer Station Updates
(17) Discussion/Action Regarding FEMA Funding
(18) Discussion/Action on Appointment to the Environment Protection Agency's Citizen's Coordinating Council
(19) COVID-19 Update
(20) 2020 Census Update
(21) Board Items
(22) Town Administrator Items
(23) Public Comments (3 minute time limit - ONLY items within the Board's jurisdiction)
**All agendas are subject to change***
**Items requiring extensive discussion or prior research should be placed on a future agenda so that the issue can receive appropriate attention. To have an item placed on the agenda, we ask that requests be made to the Selectmen’s office no later than the Wednesday prior to the meeting.
•Please leave the room if you need to converse with other members of the audience.
•If you wish to speak during the meeting, please raise your hand in order to be recognized by the Chairman. Please state your name for the record before you begin to speak on an issue.
Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30A § 20G. Regulation of participation by public in open meetings.
No person shall address a meeting of a public body without permission of the chair, and all persons shall, at the request of the chair, be silent. No person shall disrupt the proceedings of a meeting of a public body. If, after clear warning from the chair, a person continues to disrupt the proceedings, the chair may order the person to withdraw from the meeting and if the person does not withdraw, the chair may authorize a constable or other officer to remove the person from the meeting
(Sheffield Board of Selectmen meeting agenda sent to WSBS from the Town of Sheffield for online and on-air use)
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