Copake Lights Up this Holiday Season
If you have never seen The Copake Holiday Light Parade, you are in for a real treat as youngsters and adults will be in awe over this mile long caravan of lighted tractors, fire trucks, floats and horses which will takes place in neighboring Columbia county at 5:30 pm on Sunday, Dec. 9.
This event is co-sponsored by The Copake Parks & Recreation Commission....The procession will assemble at The Copake Fire House on Center Hill Road starting at 5 pm and the caravan encompasses through the village and ends at the Copake Memorial Park....Rumor has it that Santa and his elves will be joining in the festivities and they will make an appearance during the parade and afterwards will greet youngsters at the Park Building to hand out gifts to all the good girls and boys....Cookies and hot chocolate will also be served to all in attendance.
All local organizations are encouraged to participate in this family oriented holiday get together...If you want to enter a float in this years extravaganza, please go here and fill out a registration form....Come one, come all and partake in this glorious event that will truly get you into the Christmas spirit.
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