COVID Crisis At A School In Neighboring Columbia County
(The following information on this article is from a recent report filed by CBS 6 WRGB-TV weekend anchor-reporter, Heather Kovar)
A recent round of COVID-19 cases has put The Ichabod Crane School District in turmoil. Kindergarten-3rd grade classes were cancelled on Monday after one student tested positive for the virus. As of Tuesday, students were back in class, however the middle and high school continue to present lessons on a virtual basis until further notice.
According to The Health Department, there is a potential that additional cases could surface as the K to 3rd grade student resides with a middle school student as other kids who are older reside in that particular dwelling. The school, located on route 9 in Valatie serves students who reside in northern Columbia and southern Rensselear counties in Eastern New York. About 2,200 kindergarten, middle and high school students are currently enrolled at Ichabod Crane.
Parents were notified the primary school has re-opened for in-person learning besides the one classroom where the student tested positive for COVID-19 as all families in the affected classroom have been contacted and will be subject to mandatory quarantine.
Heather caught up with Columbia County Public Health Director, Jack Mabb as he expressed concerns regarding this latest development due to the ongoing pandemic. He stated that more classrooms are shifting back to remote learning as a precaution as future potential cases could resurface.
You can watch Heather's latest report that aired this past Monday afternoon on CBS 6 by going here. For more COVID-19 updates in our vicinity and nationwide, log on to the CBS 6 web site
Parents of enrolled students can also access the school's web site by accessing this link. Log on to their Facebook page for more updates and information regarding future classroom instruction.
(Photo image of Ichabod Crane school courtesy of Wikipedia)
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