Have Your Christmas Tree Picked Up For Recycling and Support a Local Organization
Christmas has come and gone and you may still have some decorations displayed but those will soon be going back up in the attic or down to the basement. Also, the Christmas tree needs to come down at some point. Instead of throwing you tree away or in the woods; recycling your tree would be a better option and in some cases could be a fundraiser for a local organization.
In the Southern Berkshires, Boy Scout Troop 23 will pick up your tree curbside on January 6th or 13th for a $10 donation. To arrange for the organization to pickup your tree, call: 413-329-7065 and leave your address, pickup day preference and contact phone number. Checks should be made payable to "Boy Scout Troop 23" and may be attached to the Christmas tree in a zip-lock bag. Please make sure the tree is free from all decorations, tinsel, etc. Flocked trees are not acceptable for recycling.
So there you have it. By choosing this option, you are disposing of your tree (with very little effort) and for a small donation, you are supporting our youth & leaders of the future. It's a win win.