Let’s Talk With Smitty For June 10 (AUDIO)
On this past Monday's edition of 'Let Talk Monday's with Smitty,' Representative Pignatelli welcomed Lee Rogers to the program. Lee heads up the Town of Great Barrington's Summer Concert Series. Lee gave listeners a preview of this summer's schedule, the history, why the series takes place and more.
The concert series is held at the gazebo behind Great Barrington Town Hall, 334 Main Street. The concerts are free and take place on Fridays from 5:30-7:15 pm, as well as some Saturdays and Wednesdays at 5:30 pm. The first concert kicks off on Friday, June 14. Check out the interview below from this past Monday's program to get all of the details and enjoy! (The interview is divided into two segments)
Featured Image: Smitty Pignatelli (left) with Lee Rogers (right) in the WSBS air studio
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