Marijuana in New Marlborough Second Town Meeting
A second informational meeting regarding the possibility of marijuana businesses coming to New Marlborough will be taking place this Saturday morning, Nov. 3 at the town hall beginning at 10:00 A.M. This meeting is an opportunity for residents who missed the September meeting to get their questions answered and be informed before casting their vote. It's also an opportunity for the committee to answer some of the questions that they were not able to answer at the first meeting. In a previous edition of WSBS' 'Let's Talk' program Cannabis AD-Hoc Committe member Daniel Doern gave listeners some background information on the topic at hand along with what residents can expect at these informational meetings.
In April, the voters in New Marlborough based on a citizen's petition approved a moratorium on all Marijuana businesses until June 2019. To help the town's people take advantage of that the Select Board and Planning Board formed a committee of towns people from all five villages to research what these newly legal establishments are and what impact they may have on the town, what the town can do about it, what the town's options are for regulating them, for banning them, for prohibiting them, or accepting them. The information will be shared with the town residents at Saturday's meeting so they can be fully informed to make better decisions when it's time to come to a vote. Residents will be surveyed to get their opinions on what they want to do with it and then advise the town on the committees findings.
The Cannabis Ad-Hoc committee is urging residents to attend Saturday's informational meeting so the townspeople can not only gather information but have an active say and voice on the future of marijuana establishments in the town of New Marlborough as this is a pivotal time for the community to decide on options for many cannabis establishments.
About the Cannabis Ad-Hoc Committee
The CAHC was created by the Planning Board and approved by the Select Board to research the town's options for Marijuana Establishments, share that information with the townspeople, gauge the townspeople's interest in which, if any, marijuana businesses are desirable to them, and advise the Planning Board of those findings. It works with impartiality and objectivity to fulfill that mission.
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