Sheffield Board of Selectman Minutes from May 1
Here are the Board of Selectman Minutes (Working Session) from May 1, 2018 at Sheffield Town Hall, 3:00 P.M.
Board Members Present: David A. Smith, Jr., Chairman and Andrew G. Petersen, Clerk
Board Members Absent: Nadine A. Hawver
Others Present: Rhonda LaBombard, Town Administrator, Alicia Dulin, Assistant to the Town Administrator, Michael Ovitt, Treasurer/Collector, Jeffrey Malloy, BSC Group Via phone
Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 3:00 P.M.
Michael Ovitt was present to discuss the Berkshire County Insurance Group dissolving. He stated that the Town will now be under the Berkshire Health Group and the administrative aspect of the insurance will now be going through the Town instead of Berkshire County Insurance Group. He stated that the Board will need to vote to dissolve our participation, Selectman Petersen moved to dissolve our participation with Berkshire County Insurance Group, seconded by Chairman Smith. The motion carried
Selectman Petersen moved to enter Executive Session for the purpose of Collective Bargaining Strategy - Sheffield Police Officer’s Association and return to Open Session, seconded by Chairman Smith. The motion carried as follows:
Chairman Smith - Aye
Selectman Petersen - Aye
Open Session resumed at 3:30 PM.
Administrator LaBombard stated that the final language has passed in the FY19 House Budget for renaming a portion of Route 7 as the Elizabeth Mumbet Freeman Highway to Freedom must be matched through the House and Senate budget processes before it can be finalized. She asked the Board if they would like to send a letter to Senator Hinds requesting that he include the same amendment through the Senate’s FY19 budget. Discussion ensued. Selectman Petersen moved to send a letter to Senator Hinds asking him to include the amendment to rename a portion of Route 7 the Elizabeth Mumbet Freeman Route to Freedom in the FY19 Senate budget, seconded by Chairman Smith. The motion carried unanimously.
The conference call with Jeffrey Malloy from BSC Group began at 3:32 PM. Mr. Malloy gave an overview of the Mass Vulnerability Preparedness Grant. He stated that it would be a way to establish eligibility for future grant opportunities. The call ended at 3:45 P.M. Discussion ensued. Selectman Petersen moved to authorize Administrator LaBombard to proceed with the Mass Vulnerability Grant, seconded by Chairman Smith. The motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Smith and Selectman Petersen discussed their evaluation of Administration LaBombard. Chairman Smith read Selectman Hawver’s evaluation. Discussion ensued. Selectman Petersen moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Chairman Smith. The motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Smith adjourned the meeting at 3:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Alicia Dulin, Assistant to Town Administrator
No documents were reviewed at this meeting
(Board of Selectman minutes sent to WSBS from the Town of Sheffield for online and on-air use)