South Berkshire Earth Day Activities This Weekend
Earth Day is coming up this Sunday (April 22) and South County is stepping up it's efforts with activities and clean ups this weekend.
Currently taking place, the Laurel Hill Association in Stockbridge is sponsoring a town wide Earth Day roadside clean-up through this Sunday. If you choose to partake you will join your neighbors in picking up the winter's accumulation of trash in your own neighborhood. For more information about getting gloves and plastic bags along with bag pickup and attending the planned thank-you session, contact Marie Raftery at kraftery@roadrunner.com, call 413-298-4910 or visit the Laurel Hill Association website.
The Earth Day festivities continue this Friday when the Bushnell-Sage Library presents the movie "The City Dark: A Search for Night on a Planet that Never Sleeps." This is in honor of both Earth Day and Dark Skies Week. The film discusses the dangers of light pollution beyond our inability to see the stars, possibly even affecting our health. It will be followed by a q&a with Judy Isacoff, Science writer for the Berkshire Edge and Harold Hastings, Astronomy professor at Simon's Rock. This free film showing will be at 7:00 P.M. at the Bushnell-Sage Library which is located at 48 Main Street, Sheffield.
Then on Saturday Great Barrington's Housatonic River Walk Trail (which is now open) invites you to an Earth Day workday from 9:00 A.M. - 2 P.M. You'll meet at the Du Bois River Garden Park at Church and River Streets in Great Barrington. Make sure you wear safe, protective clothing, shoes with good traction and gloves. Lunch will be provided for volunteers and tours are available after 2:00 P.M.
If you have an Earth Day event coming up, let us know about it by emailing: bulletinboard@wsbs.com or fax to 413-528-2162
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