GB Selectboard Expected To Meet In Executive Session Monday
Prior to their Monday,July 9 7:00 P.M. regular session,the Great Barrington Selectboard is expected to meet in Executive Session at 6:30.
According to the agenda posted on the Town's website, the purpose is "to discuss litigation strategy relating to pending litigation known as (1) Belanger v. Zoning Board of Appeals...and (2) GLO,LLC v. Zoning Board of Appeals, et.al." They also plan "to discuss the potential purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property relating to land known as 11 Roger Road."
The Selectboard will return for the Open Meeting following the Executive Session. There will be a joint meeting with the Planning Board to consider changes to current zoning bylaws, in relation to the issue of retail marijuana. The evening's agenda will also include the Town Manager's report and various issues of old and new business to be discussed and voted on.
The Selectboard's meeting will be held Monday at the Fire Station at 37 State Road.
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