Revisiting A Chat With One Of Berkshire County’s Musical Gems
We here at WSBS always LOVE to showcase our local crop of entertainers who give their all to present a top quality show for our tri-state residents. These days, we are seeing more of these talented individuals take center stage whether indoors or outdoors and that's a good thing if you ask me as music gets people together and connected in our community.
A prime example of a "phenomenal" talent is a young lady who spent time perfecting her craft in my ol' home town of New York City. Aimee Van Dyne, is a performer whose music is highlighted by catchy hooks and three part harmonies that can be best described as melodic and melancholy. Her lyrics are introspective as she possesses a heartfelt vocal and she plays the guitar with such savvy and grace.
I recently saw Aimee perform in "Lovely Lenox" and was truly mesmerized by her stage presence. She is also a fan favorite in The Town of Great Barrington's summer concert series at the gazebo located behind town hall and has been active in The Lenox Loves Music Festival.
Now for the scoop that you've been waiting for: Aimee is releasing her second CD in early 2022 and you'll hear an exclusive preview on one of these tremendous tracks. In this compilation she has recruited a slew of phenomenal talent including Jim Henry, Dave Chalfant, Paul Kochanski, Jon Carroll, Jon Garboff and Benny Kohn.
Listen to a special re-broadcast this Saturday at 9:05 am of my lively chat with Aimee when she appeared on my weekend "Let's Talk" segment back in October. Tune in on-air to 860 AM OR 94.1 FM, listen LIVE on-line by going here and while you are on our web site, click the LISTEN tab on the home page and scroll down to either WSBS on Alexa OR WSBS on Google Home for step-by-step instructions to enable your Smart Speaker device. You can also download the FREE WSBS app at your local app store to your tablet, Smart phone OR mobile device and take us along wherever you GO: "WE ARE PORTABLE"!!
For updates and information on Aimee, log on to her web site by going here.
(Photo images of Aimee Van Dyne were used by her approval for on-line usage)
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