Some Peace Of Mind Awaits You During These Trying Times
Last year, we had the pleasure to feature Rachael Baer, a Connecticut based fitness instructor on our WSBS Saturday Morning Chat as she informed us on how senior citizens can take precautions to protect themselves while at home as this discussion was well received by our audience and a re-broadcast aired months later for those who did not get an opportunity to tune in the first time around.
We welcome Rachael for an encore appearance this weekend on YOUR Home Town Station as she will offer important advice on how to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic that continues to remain rampant worldwide. She specializes in teaching Chair Yoga which focuses on regaining balance and mobility as this venture also creates empathy, improves the mind, body and spiritual well-being is enhanced. An example of how this practice can improve your immunity and breathing is demonstrated by Rachael as you can take a look for yourself by accessing this link.
Rachael also conducts Zoom based classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning and donations are gladly accepted as all proceeds will continue in actively pursuing her mission to keep clients in the best of health during these trying times. To sign a waiver prior to participating, log on to Rachael's web site and if you would like to learn more about her skills and knowledge on the art of yoga, click here for a detailed bio.
Rachael will join Ron Carson for another informative and exciting Saturday Morning Chat at 10:05 am immediately following The Trading Post on YOUR Home Town Station. Tune in on-air to 860 AM OR 94.1 FM, download the FREE WSBS app to your tablet, Smart Phone or mobile device at your local app store OR Google Play, listen LIVE on line by going to our web site and while you're there get details to install your Smart Speaker by clicking the LISTEN tab at our home page and scroll down to either WSBS on Alexa OR WSBS on Google Home to enable your device in minutes (and you get step-by-step instructions as well)