
Why Police In Mass. Love Numbers '98' & '99'
Why Police In Mass. Love Numbers '98' & '99'
Why Police In Mass. Love Numbers '98' & '99'
I had it good. I was a "99" for a long time. My safe driver insurance plan merit rating in Massachusetts was top notch until I hit black ice back in November and smacked a into a tree. Luckily no one was seriously hurt, but now I pay. When someone applies for car insurance in Massachusetts, their rate (how much their yearly bill is going to be) is based on your history or surchargeable i
In MA, It's Illegal to Do This While Signing the National Anthem
In MA, It's Illegal to Do This While Signing the National Anthem
In MA, It's Illegal to Do This While Signing the National Anthem
If you're living in the great state of Massachusetts and you're feeling patriotic, you need to read this before you bust out your rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner. Massachusetts has no shortage of some antiquated and downright silly laws, but the regulations surrounding how you can or cannot sing the national anthem have got to top the list. The song, writt...

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