Trading Post Items for September 1
1) Ed is STILL looking for more vintage Coleman lanterns and stoves....If you can help him out, call 413-446-7293
2) Reggie has a variety of items including an electric impact wrench, a drill to secure metal into wood, assorted cigarette lighters and boxes of sports cards all available for best offer....To inquire, call 413-362-0829
3) Margie in Great Barrington has reaped a new harvest of concord grapes and they are available for you at the incredible price of $6 a box....To arrange for a pick-up, call 413-528-1513
4) Diane has some furniture waiting for you in Hillsdale, New York including assorted chairs for $35 and a a pair of chairs with a table available for best offer....keep in mind, these chairs do not include cushions....For more information, call her at 1-518-929-0808
5) Mark in New Marlborough has a 2000 ford Focus with new brakes and a timing belt....The vehicle has over 160 thousand miles, but is in excellent condition....He is looking to sell this car for $2,500 or he'll take best offer....Give him a call at 413-528-1526
6) Jan in neighboring Hillsdale, New York has a collection of 12 1800's tanning jars all for $40 firm and a Repogo land and seas topographical globe available for only $15....If interested, call 1-518-325-7173
7) Rich recently found a pair of torque prescription glasses near Pete's on route 7 in Sheffield....If they are yours, call him at 413-229-0001
8) Katie in Great Barrington needs a pair of strong men to help stock pellets for her winter stoves....If you are able to assist, call her at 413-528-0773
9) Margo in Pittsfield has a 14 foot canoe complete with oars and a trolling motor all for $275....Keep in mind, this price is firm....To inquire, call 413-448-2341
10) Tom has an assortment of items including a Skag Wildcat 60 inch mover avaialble for $3,000, a large elk rack, 6 by 6 inches in length reduced to $350 and a vintage Quaker State Tombstone porcelain oil sign also for $350....You can reach him a 413-528-0076
11) Al in Housatonic still has a 1998 See Doo jet ski for sale at only $1,200....Keep in mind, the recreational vehicle needs a carburator....For more information, call 1-518-428-2618