Trevor Needs Your Help This Weekend
As you probably already know, South County resident and friend Trevor Cobb had a pretty bad dirt bike accident this past February. You can read his story by going here. Trevor is back in the area and he is trying to get back to a normal life but his house is under construction and that means Trevor is worried about construction instead of getting better which shouldn't be the case.
Contractors, carpenters, painters, plumbers, laborers and friends of Trevor are encouraged to lend a hand and assist with Trevor's home construction to make his living quarters more manageable.
If you think you can help, you are invited to meet at Trevor's home which is located at 28 Ashley Falls Road in Sheffield this Saturday and Sunday (all day both days). You will be provided with food, drinks, music, supplies, tools and tool belts. You can get complete details by going here.
Above information was provided by Shimi Rotches who is hosting the gathering this weekend.
(article image taken from Trevor Cobb's Facebook page)