A Preview Of Tonight’s GB Select Board Meeting
This evening, The Town of Great Barrington will present their Select Board Regular Meeting at Town Hall, located at 334 Main Street. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, participants can follow the latest developments on-line. For more information, log on to the town's web site by going here.
You can access this meeting via Zoom. by clicking this link. Here are the specifics to log on for this evening's session.
WEBINAR ID: 848 0298 2961 PASSCODE: 08296
DIAL-IN (AUDIO ONLY) 1-929-205-6099
A CALL TO ORDER will take place approximately 6 pm followed by The Select Board's announcements and statements.
The Town Manager's Report will feature updates on the village of Housatonic's water works and a re-opening plan regarding town buildings including locations on Main Street, The Ramsdell Library, Housatonic's Community Center, the school building and sidewalks.
PUBLIC HEARINGS include the transfer of existing retail package goods store all alcoholic liquor license held by Aberdale's Incorporated to Saanvi Liquor Incorporated located at 10 Depot Street. A discussion and vote will follow.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS includes strategic sustainability and livability committee featuring composting and food waste diversion.
NEW BUSINESS features a discussion and vote regarding Berkshire Busk's downtown 2021 summer program
As these meetings have been closed to the public, residents STILL have the opportunity to submit questions in advance regarding various topics that warrant mention. You can submit questions for future Select Board meetings by accessing the town's web site.
The session will conclude with Select Board and Media Time followed by the standard adjournment.
A reminder, the next Select Board meeting takes place on March 22nd, 2021.
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