A Recap Of This Weekend’s Trading Post
1) Kathy from New Marlborough got things started as she has a Manufacturers Max full back window guard for a pick-up truck which can adjust from 62 to 74 inches for the incredible LOW price of $65 or she'll take best offer and a FREE set of 4 Michelin L-X-J all-terrain tires (model # P-275-65-R18). To arrange a pick-up, call her at (413) 229-3057.
2) Kelly checked in from Sheffield as she STILL has a futon which also moonlights as a love seat and folds out into a standard size double bed for ONLY $200 or she will take offer. Give her a call to arrange a pick-up of this item, 1-617-775-8592.
3) Tim in Great Barrington has a Skag zero turn lawn mower with a new 22 horse power Kawasaki engine and the item also includes a track vac collection system, all for $3,500 or best offer. To inquire further, call (413) 329-6005.
4) Tom out in South Egremont has a pair of items for sale including an X-Tang solid tri-fold tonno cover for the back of a 6 and a half foot pick-up truck available for only $400 and a Mirage Perception 10 foot kayak in excellent condition for the sale price of $175 ior he'll take best offer for any or both of these items. For more details, phone (413) 528-0076.
5) Vinnie in Sheffield STILL has gallons of Benjamin Moore indoor and outdoor paint in various colors and they are FREE for anyone who can come on down and pick them up. You can call (413) 329-4438.
(A reminder: Tune in to The trading Post every Saturday morning immediately following the 9 am on YOUR Home Town Station, 860 AM AND 94.1 FM, WSBS. Listen LIVE on-line by logging on to wsbs.com and while you are on our web site, click the LISTEN tab on our home page and scroll down to WSBS on Alexa OR WSBS on Google Home to enable your Smart Speaker device. Download the FREE WSBS app at your local app store OR Google Play to your tablet, Smart phone or mobile device and take us along wherever you go. "We are PORTABLE
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