A Preview Of Tonight’s GB Select Board Meeting
The FINAL Town of Great Barrington Select Board meeting for 2020 takes place this evening at Town Hall located at 334 Main Street. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, participants can follow this session on-line. Get more details by logging on to the town's web site.
You can join in on this meeting via Zoom by accessing this link.
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The session begins at approximately 6 pm and will begin with an appointment of a new member to the GB Housing Authority, followed by a Citizen's Speak where residents submitted questions in advance pertaining to various topics, followed by an adjournment of the joint meeting.
A call to order for the Select Board Meeting follows beginning with an approval of minutes from July 27th 2020. Announcements and statements include the retirement of Great Barrington Police Chief William Walsh.
Topics include HWW updates, a search for a new Police Chief and transition plans, updates on community impact funding and improvements to the town wide municipal phone system.
A driveway permit requested by Ruby Chang and Ron Wojcik located at 251-253 Long Pond Road in Great Barrington. A driveway permit submitted by Jane Bronson at 305 North Plain Road in Great Barrington, Select Board license fees and an assortment of 2021 license renewals.
A building permit fee schedule and fee adjustment, a Select Board special permit fee schedule, the acceptance of donated park and playground equipment at Lake Mansfield by Susan and Judd Shoval.
CHAPA (Citizen's Housing and Planning Association) program manager, David Gasser requesting a waiver of the town's right of first refusal on property located at 6 Emily Court (part of the Blue Hill Commons Chapter 40B/affordable housing) which allows the seller and CHAPA to work and find an eligible buyer and another request to apply a new Universal Deed rider to ALL the 40B/affordable housing units at Blue Hill Commons.
The Economic Development Committee will submit a recommendation from the EDC to disband the committee and the scheduling of a proposed meeting schedule for the 2022 Fiscal year budget season.
Since the meetings have been closed to the public, residents have submitted questions in advance to pertaining to various topics that warrant mention during the present session. you can submit any questions for the upcoming Select Board meeting by accessing the town's web site by going here.
The conclusion focuses on Select Board and media time followed by the final adjournment of 2020.
The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, January 11th 2021.
(The following information was obtained by WSBS via a press release courtesy of the Town of Great Barrington for on-air and on-line usage)
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