A Preview Of Tonight’s GB Select Board Meeting
You are invited to attend a VIRTUAL presentation of this evening's Town of Great Barrington Select Board Meeting which take place at Town Hall as the public is invited to participate on-line by clicking on the link which contains detailed information on how you can join in. Another option is by dialing in via telephone by following these prompts:
DIAL-IN #: (929) 205-6099, WEBINAR ID: 834 2094 4393, PASSWORD: 120120
The open meeting begins at 6:30 pm. **ALL VOTES ARE ROLL CALL**
A call to order will start things off, followed by statements and announcements from The Select Board. The Town Manager will also provide department and project updates.
A discussion on licenses or permits will also take place as Janis Martinson from The Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center is looking to obtain 17 temporary weekday entertainment licenses for various dates during the month of July and August at the venue's parking lot. Also, The Daniel Arts Center at Bard College At Simon's Rock is looking to present outdoor drive-in movie screenings. A discussion and vote on both of these requests will take place.
New business includes ratifying FY 21, FY 22 and FY 23 Union contracts for the Department Of Public Works, The Police Department and Libraries, a discussion and vote to add a therapy dog at the Police Department, approval of outdoor dining for Bizen's Gourmet Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar, Baba Louie's, 20 Railroad Public House, Siam Square, Bizalion's Fine Food and Prairie Whale.
Citizen's Speak Time will be placed on a future agenda for discussion since the public can only chime in on-line. The Select Board will finish up with closing comments followed by the final adjournment of this evening's session.
The next Select Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 1st, 2020. For more details, log on to the town of Great Barrington's web site by going here
(The following information was obtained by WSBS via a press release courtesy of The Town of Great Barrington's Town Manager's Office for on-air and on-line usage)
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