A Preview Of Tonight’s GB Select Board Meeting
Tonight's Select Board meeting in Great Barrington begins at 6:30 pm. Residents are not allowed to attend in person, however they can log on via Zoom to follow the latest developments. You can access the link by logging on to the town's web site as the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time via technological means. You can also access the session by calling (929)205-6099, webinar ID: 839-0439-1806, password: 013578 Afterwards, the information will be posted via an audio or video recording accompanied by a complete transcript containing all pertinent topics that were covered in the order of agenda.
Here is the itinerary as the session begins with a call to order, approval of minutes, the Select Board's statements and announcements plus the Town Manager's Report featuring department and project updates.
The next stage features a discussion on licensing and permits from Massachusetts Electric, National Grid and Verizon New England Inc with a request to relocate one JO Pole number 2 on Elm Court beginning with a point approximately 200 feet north of the centerline at the intersection of Elm St. National Grid also wants to relocate pole # 2 on Elm Court to permanently move a over head conductor away from the current church restoration.
New business will be addressed including an announcement and discussion by Police Chief William Walsh, a review and approval of DRAFT 2020 Indexes of Article which will be discussed and voted on, discussions with the Town Moderator and Town Clerk, the subject of absentee and early voting for the annual town election will also be featured along with a resolution in support of expanded absentee voting. Both matters will also be voted on later this evening.
Residents can also chime in on-line to discuss topics of particular concern and importance that will be placed on a future agenda and in closing the Select Board's and media time will be featured followed by the official adjournment.
(The following information was obtained by WSBS via a press release courtesy of the Town of Great Barrington for on-air and on-line usage)