Berkshire Ukulele Band to Perform Live This Friday
On Thursday's edition of 'Let's Talk" we checked in with Jaclyn Sinay of Berkshire South Regional Community Center and she brought with her a couple of special guests from the Berkshire Ukulele Band. Andy Krouss and Sherry Steiner from the group joined in the studio with ukulele's in hand. We received a true treat from the pair as they performed two tunes for us live in the studio. Andy mentioned before learning to play the ukulele, he's never played an instrument. Andy and Sherry stated that their instructor/maestro Rob Sanzone makes learning the instrument an easy and fun experience.
With all that said, you are invited to attend and listen to the Berkshire Ukulele Band perform live this Friday, June 7 in the Jaffe Auditorium at Berkshire South Regional Community Center, 15 Crissey Road in Great Barrington at 7:00 p.m. If you can swing it, there's a suggested donation of $10 at the door.
If you are interested in learning how to play the ukulele and want to join the band, the group meets at Berkshire South each Tuesday from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. You can get complete information regarding the weekly meetings by going here.
Image: Sherry Steiner (left), Andy Krouss (middle), Jaclyn Sinay (right)