GB: Joint Meeting on FY2021 Proposed Budget
From the Town of Great Barrington
The town Finance Committee and Select Board will hold a joint meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18 to discuss the proposed FY2021 town budget. The meeting is at 6 p.m. at Town Hall.
The proposed operating budget is $12.2 million. Key pending highlights for next year include a capital budget of $5 million (down 41.6 percent compared with the current year), and a school district assessment of $17.6 million, up 5 percent over the current year. In addition, a 10.9 percent increase in the town’s Wastewater Treatment Plant budget—due in part to a short-term note due--will be funded by users of the system.
Projected revenue includes $24.9 million in local property taxes; $2 million in local receipts from excise taxes, licensing and permits, local room and meal taxes and revenue from the sale of retail marijuana products; $1.2 million in state aid. The town proposes a free cash expenditure of $2.5 million to reduce the town’s tax levy.